Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 25, 2016- 11 Month Mark!!!

Hey Everyone!!!

Time flies when you are having fun. I cant believe that I have been on my mission for 11  months. It is crazy.
Well, This week has been great. We have been teaching several people on their door steps. It has been fun. Peggy is doing great. She is reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. We are hoping to get her to come to church sometime. We will see. She loves when we come over and help her with some service. It is very rewarding to see how much she appreciates us coming to help her. Bill is doing great. We are reading the Book of Mormon with him and he is understanding it very well. He loves to read it. This week we also were ale to help Sister Holquiest with some service. We helped her clean her house and to visit with her. She is a member and is older and needs lots of love and service. We love helping her out. We also were able to go t Almont and visit with some Less Actives. We helped Holly Hiekkinen with some service as well. We helped her to clean her house. We also talked to her about church and activities that are coming up. She is coming to church this week. We also visited with Sister Robertson, we talked about the Sabbath day and how we can rest from our labors and how we can focus on Christ. She really liked that lesson. Over All this week has been a Service week. It is great to help those that need help. Well I hope you all have a great week!!!

Ponderizing Scripture: Alma 32:21 Faith is not a perfect Knowledge.  

21 And now as I said concerning faith—faith‍ is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope‍ for things which are not‍ seen, which are true.

Donuts a member gave us!!!

Me cooking!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Jan. 18, 2016- Birthday and Exchanges!!!

Hey Everyone,
Thanks so much for the Birthday wishes!! It was a great day. This week has been great. We had interviews with President Gerber and Sister Gerber, They are just amazing. I love when they come and give us instructions. We talked about being Epistles of Christ and always leading by example. We talked about the importance of being missionaries and how we are here to find and help bring people unto Christ, Then we had exchanges. I went to Flint again. It is becoming a regular thing. I loved it. I was able to see a couple of the same people that I was able to see the last time. Sister Ili and I are doing great. We are teaching Peggy. She is the one we help with service. She is reading the Book of Mormon and she loves it. She is learning more and more. We are planning on teaching her about the Plan of Salvation. We are still looking for more investigators but it is going great. We were able to help a lot of people with service this week so that is always good. Bill is dong great. He is learning and understanding the Book of Mormon everyday. He is progressing greatly and is eager to keep learning. On Sunday for my birthday we went to church and made a cake for the Sunday school class it was fun. They loved it. On Sunday we learned a lot about peace and turning to God. I know that if we pray and ask God to help us he will. He loves each of us and wants to help us to return to live with him again.

Ponderizing Scripture: Mosiah 4:30, it talks about watching our thoughts our deeds and our word. Center our life on Christ.

Well I hope you all have a great week!!

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Cake Sister Edmonds and Sister Wood made me on exchanges!!!

Birthday Picture!!!

Birthday picture!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Jan. 11, 2016- It's finally winter in Michigan!!!

Hey everyone, I hope you are all having a great winter. Winter has just started here. We have been hit with snow. It is crazy. This week has been good. We are busy helping Peggy with service. She is also reading the Book of Mormon and she really likes it. We have been doing a lot of finding new people. We have had the opportunity to talk to several people but none was really interested. This week we also had Zone meeting. It was great. I love meetings. We talked about the Sabbath day. The instruction that was given was to teach it as a separate lesson. It is great. The we talked about our purpose as missionaries and how we can better bring people closer to Christ. It was a great meeting. On Sunday, Sunday School and Relief Society were cancelled so we just had Sacrament meeting. It was great. The speakers talked about our desire to make and keep goals and how we need to have faith. They also talked about 6 principles that makes it possible to have the spirit with us. These principles were: Pray Always, Study the Scriptures, and Worthily participate in Ordinances. These were great. I really learned a lot. I hope we all have the spirit in our life's more. Well I hope you all have a great week!!!

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Snow Snow Snow

Me and Sister Ili going to do service.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Winter Has Finally Hit!! Snow Snow Snow!!!!- Jan. 4, 2016

Hey Everyone!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Well I am training a new Sister. Her name is Sister Ili. She is from Samoa. Sister Ili is doing great. She loves to learn and is very eager to try things out. I love helping her to figure things out. I am helping her to learn how to cook, eat American food, and to learn English. It is fun.
We have been doing a lot of finding. With the Holiday session, it seemed like most of our appointments were cancelled. It was hard but we kept going. We are praying to find new investigators. I have learned to pray and turn to god and he will help you. Susan is doing good. She is reading the Book of Mormon but we haven't seen her this week because she was out of town. Hunter is doing good. We are seeing him this week and we are excited to start teaching him about the Book of Mormon so they can read it as a family.  This area is great. I love it. The ward is doing amazing. In studies I have started to read the Old Testament. I am in Exodus, It is great I am reading about Moses and how he is trying to go free the children of Israel. I love reading about the old prophets and how they turned to the lord. Well I hope you all have a great week!!

My ponderizing scripture of the week: D&C 59:9-13, it talks about keeping the Sabbath day Holy. What sign do we want to give God? 

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

The New District!!! 
Elder Johnson, Elder Mathias, Elder Abbott, Elder Finau, Elder Benjamin.
Sister Ili, and Me. 

Sister Ili and Me!!!

Sister Ili and Me!!!