Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving and my 9 Month Mark- Nov. 30, 2015

Hey Everyone, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, We had a great one.

Monday: We had our P-day, then we went and taught Bill. We talked to him about the Holy Ghost and how it will be a guide to help direct our life's. The lesson went great. We talked about the importance of the Holy Ghost.

Tuesday: We went and helped Peggy with some service. We helped her to get ready for Thanksgiving. We helped her set up her tables and then we helped her clean. It was great. I love helping her. We then went and saw Susan. We read the Book of Mormon with her. It was a powerful lesson. The spirit was so strong. We talked about Laman and Lemuel and the tree of life. She really liked this story.

Wednesday: Was District meeting. We talked about listening to the spirit and relying on the spirit. I gave an instruction on relying on the spirit. It went great. We talked about why we need to listen to the spirit and how we cant teach without the spirit. We also talked about how we need to have the spirit to direct us to the places God wants us to be.

Thursday: Was Thanksgiving. We did our Planning and then had Thanksgiving at Diane's house. She is an investigator. We were able to meet her family and discuss what we do as missionaries and also our beliefs. It was a great opportunity to discuss our beliefs.
Then we went contacting. Not very many people were out but it was good.

Friday: We went finding and then we went and helped Sister Holquiest. We helped her to put her Christmas decorations up. It was fun decorating her house and getting ready for Christmas. It reminded me of home and putting decorations up.

Saturday: We went and helped Peggy get ready for her Thanksgiving Dinner. We helped her cook potatoes, the turkey, stuffing, and other stuff. It was fun cooking for others. We also were able to meet her family and talk with them. It was a great experience.  Then we went finding in Almont. 

Sunday: Was a great Sabbath. Bill was confirmed a member of the Church and he was given the Holy Ghost. It was great. He was so excited. I love seeing the desire and change in others life's and them wanting to become like Christ. In Sacrament the speakers talked about gratitude. Here is a quote I really liked, Gratitude is the Key to Love, it is also the Magic of life, Use Gratitude to love others.

Well I hope you all have a great week!! Also check out the new Christmas initiative at www.mormon.org/christmas  it is a great video.

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Me at the Library, there is this big fish named Winston!!!

Me at the Almont Sign!

Sparkling Cider and Cake for my 9 month!!!

Sparkling Cider and Cake for my 9 month!!!

Mom I really loved the Camel!! Thanks!!!

Me and Sister Parker on Thanksgiving!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Snow Snow Snow and Bill's Baptism- Nov. 23, 2015

Hey everyone sorry it is so late, the computers at the library were down due to the snow!!!

I hope you have had a great week. Yes we finally got snow. We have about 6-10 inches right now and it just started to snow again.

Monday: We did our normal things. Then we went and met with Bill. We talked about studying the scriptures and to always pray. It was the last couple things we talked about before his baptism.

Tuesday: We went and helped Peggy with some service. We helped her put some tables together and then we helped her to get her stuff ready for thanksgiving. After that we went tracting and then we had an appointment with Susan. She is one of our investigators. We read the Book of Mormon with her and she is doing great. She is understanding it and realizing that it can help her in her life. Then we went and had dinner at a members house. It was great.

Wednesday: We had Zone Meeting. That was great. I love meetings. We talked about having members to help us move the missionary work forward. It was great. We leaned how to better ourselves and how to teach more effectively. It was a great meeting. After that we had our last meeting with Bill before his baptism. We talked about eternal marriage. It was good. We were at a members house so we talked about their marriage and how we can all be with our families forever.

Thursday: We did our weekly planning. We planned for week 2. It is crazy how time flies. after that we went and met with Arlene. We talked about service and about prayer. She is slowly coming around. We also helped her move some stuff upstairs. It was great.

Friday: We went and helped Sister Holmquiest. We helped her to bring her groceries in and then clean her house. It was great. After that we went to Peggy's house and helped her with putting her lights up and decorating her tree. It was great. It is beginning to look like Christmas. After that we went finding and contacting. It was great.

Saturday: It snowed and snowed and snowed. We went to Almont to see Holly. We talked to her about the commandments. It was a great lesson. We talked about why there are commandments and how we should think of them as blessing to protect us. Then we went and saw Sister Robertson. We talked to her about church and why we have a church. We also read the conference talk "Why the Church" It was great.

Sunday: Church was cancelled due to the weather. I have never had church cancelled so that was fun. We did a lot of studding. Then we had Bills Baptism. It went great. We had a lot of people from the ward come and support him. The service went great. He was so happy to be able to get baptized.

Well This week Sister Parker and I are each Ponderizing 2 scriptures. Mine are D&C 25:12 which talks about how the song of the Righteous is a prayer unto God and 2 Nephi 32:3 which talks about feasting upon the scriptures. I encourage everyone to do it. It is a great experience.

Well I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!!!

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts 

The Crazy Snow!!
Me in the Snow!!!
Us in the Snow!!!!
Bill's Baptism!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Transfers……Nov. 16, 2015

Hey everyone, This week has been great. Well I am not getting transferred. I am staying with Sister Parker in Oxford MI. We are excited.

Monday: We had our preparation day and rested. Then we went and taught Bill. He is doing great. We talked to him about scripture study and the importance of receiving a Testimony. It was a great lesson. I love reading the scriptures and looking for the answers for my prayers. We also went and saw Susan. She is a new investigator that we have been seeing this last couple weeks. We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and she loves it. She is reading it and understanding what it happening.

Tuesday: We went and helped Peggy with some service. We helped her to clean her house and we got to talk to her about our purpose as missionaries. It was great. Service is key. After that we did a lot of finding and contacting. We were able to talk to someone at the door step about the restoration. it was great.

Wednesday: Was Specialized Training. It was great. President Gerber gave instructions on being chosen not being called. We are all called and few are chosen we must become those chosen. It was great. We also leaning how to become better missionaries and to be more effective. After that we went and saw Bill. We talked to him about the 10 commandments and preparing for his baptism. It was great. He is getting closer and closer to next week. We are excited for him.

Thursday: We Went finding for a while and then we had ward correlation. After that we went and saw Arlene. She is doing great. We talked to her about prayer and reading the book of Mormon. We really hope she starts to read it because it can change our life's.

Friday: We did our weekly planning and then we went on exchanges. Sister Parker went to Flint and I stayed in Oxford. It was great. I was with Sister Edmonds my MTC companion. It was great. We went and saw Flora. She is our new investigator. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and she was excited to start reading and also understanding it. 

Saturday: We first went and saw Diane. We talked to her about Joseph Smith and then showed her the Restoration Video. She loved it. The spirit was so strong. After that we went and did some service for Holly. We helped her wrap some presents and talked about the talk" If Ye Love Me Keep My Commandments" from conference it is a great talk. I encourage everyone to read it.

Sunday: We went to church and it was the Primary Program. It was great. The theme was I know that my Redeemer Lives. The children did a great. Job. It made me miss home but it was great. After that we went finding and walking on trails. It was fun. We talked to some people.

Well I hope you all have a great week. Love you!!

Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Helping put tables together!!!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Daughters of Destiny Musical Fireside- Nov. 9, 2015

Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great week. This week has been pretty busy with a lot of tracting and contacting people.

Monday: We had District Activity. It was a lot of fun. We played Volleyball, chair soccer, and Revenge or lightening. It was hard workout but really fun. After that we met with Bill. He is doing great. We went over the Plan of Salvation. God has a plan for each of us. We are all here for a purpose. The lesson went really good.

Tuesday: We didn't have a lot to do so we went finding and contacting all day. It was fun, a lot of people were busy and didn't really want to talk to us but that was fine. We did a lot of walking, it was tiring but we made it fun. We also had a apartment inspection so that was good.

Wednesday: We had District Meeting. This meeting was great. I gave an instruction on our relationship with Jesus Christ and how we improve our relationship with Christ. It was a great instruction. We talked about the Atonement and how without the atonement we would all be lost. Elder Logan gave an instruction on our relationship with God. We talked about how we are all created after Gods image and how we want to become like God. After that we went and helped a member Sister McKenzie with her leaves. She has been sick so we decided to go and help her. It was great. Service is always a great way to help others and feel good. After that we met with Bill. We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how we first need to have faith. Faith is the beginning and we all need to have and nourish our faith.

Thursday: We helped Sister Holmquiest with some cleaning. This week we did a lot of service, it was great. After that we went and saw Arlene. We talked to her about praying and how to pray. This lesson went really good. We talked about how Heavenly father answers are prayers and he does hear us. She really liked this lesson because we helped her to know that she is being listened to and  she isn't alone.

Friday: We did our normal weekly planning and then we went and helped Peggy. We helped her water her flowers inside her house and then helped her with some cleaning. After that we went finding and then we trained.

Saturday: We went to the church for a craft day. It was fun. We had signed up for doing a craft, but then some of our investigators and less actives came so we gave our crafts to them to make. it was fun. They had such a good time. We then went and saw Sister Robertson. She is doing great. We read the talk " What Lack I Yet" from conference. She really liked this talk. It is one of my favorites from conference so go look it up.

Sunday: was a great Sabbath day. We went to church and the lessons were on Temples. It was great. Relief Society we talked about Feed my Sheep. I really enjoyed this lesson. The teacher talked about how we need to find the lost sheep and bring them back. We are the lords Shepard's and we need to help him bring his children back into the fold. That night we attended the Daughters of Destiny Fireside. It was great. They had talks about us being daughters of God and how we are special in Gods eyes. They also had several musical numbers. It was great.

Well I hope you all have a great week!!! Transfers are next week so we will see what happens.

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Carving our Pumpkin. Sorry I thought I sent this last week but I didn't!!

Our Pumpkin!!!

Lapeer District

Elder Logan( District Leader), Elder Mathias, Sister Parker, Me
Elder Wade and Elder Benjamin

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Halloween!!! Nov. 2, 2015

Hey everyone I hope you all had a great Halloween. We had a great time.

Monday: We had a short P-day because we went to the temple Thursday. So we went finding and contacting around this really pretty lake. It was fun. Then we met with Bill our investigator. We talked about the Restoration and Joseph Smith. It was great. He is doing so great.

Tuesday: We had Interviews with President Gerber. We talked about the talk Approaching the Thorne of God with Confidence. This is a great talk. If you haven't read it, you should. It talks about having confidence to become and do what God tells us. We talked about how we need to Turn to God for help. Sister Gerber gave an instruction on the talk A Summer With Great Aunt Rose, this talk was from conference. President Uchtorf gave it. We talked about how we need to have faith and how faith leads to confidence and Hope.

Wednesday: We went and helped Peggy with some service. We helped her water her flowers and helped her get her house ready for winter. it was so great to help her out. After that we went contacting at Good Will and Meijer. We talked to a couple people. It was great. then we met with Bill. We went over a chapter in the Book of Mormon with him.

Thursday: We went to the temple. The Detroit Temple is so pretty. We had a great time. It was great to be able to do the work for someone waiting in the spirit world. It was super cold, put fun. After that we had ward correlation and then we went and taught Arlene. She is having a hard time right know, but she is reading the Book of Mormon. She is trying really hard to understand it.

Friday: We did our weekly planning and then went and helped Sister Holquiest from the ward with some service. She has been sick so we helped her clean her house. It was a lot of fun. After that we went and brought cookies to a former investigator Susan. We were able to talk to her and her mom about the Book of Mormon and the lesson went great. The spirit was very strong and testified of what we were saying. At the end of the lesson, they both agreed to read the Book of Mormon. After that our ward had a Chili cook off and a trunk or treat for the kids. It was great. The kids had a great time. It was fun!!

Saturday: We went to Almont to see Holly. We helped racked her leafs in her yard. There was a lot of them put it felt so good to help her out. After that we went and saw Diane. We talked about the word of wisdom and how it can help us to be healthy and remain healthy. We talked about keeping the small commandments and how it leads to keeping the bigger commandments. Then we had to be back in our apartment at 6. We weren't able to be out on Halloween. We studied. It was fun.

Sunday: We had a great Sabbath day. We talked about letting our light shine before God and others. We also talked about how we 
receive revelation. After church we had a interfaith fireside. It had just started here in Lapeer/Oxford. Different churches get together and meet at their church and discuss their beliefs. It was great. This one was Meet your Mormon neighbors. It was at our church. We had a lot of people show up. It was very fun. People asked questions and the Bishop answered them. We got to meet a lot of different people.

Well I hope you all are doing good. Have a great week!!!

Sister Alisha Carol Betts
At the Detroit Temple!!!

At the Detroit Temple!!!!

At the Detroit Temple!!!