Monday, March 30, 2015


Hey everyone,

This week has been really busy. 

Monday: we had our district activity with the elders and we played chair soccer. Its where you have a chair and you try and hit others chairs with the ball. its really fun, but you are sore the next day. We also went and saw a couple less actives. 

Tuesday: we had exchanges, Sister Martin and Sister Lee came down and we went with them. We started with teach our investigator Dan. we taught him the importance of being baptized.I was able to talk and feel the holy spirit. After that we went to see our new Investigator Dwayne. We taught him about the BOM and the importance of praying to see if it was true. i testifies the importance of the BOM and prayer, you could feel the spirit so strong. I also learned how to contact on a campus with just 30 seconds. it was hard but fun. 

Wednesday: We had our district meetings, we learned about the initiative Because he Lives. It is a incredible video on Jesus Christ. 

Thursday: We went and visited with some of our less active members. That night we had a I'm a Mormon Devotional. There the Recent Converts talk about their stories and conversion to the church. It was incredible. The spirit was so strong. 

Friday: we went to lunch with a member at subway. we then went finding. It was so much fun. 

Saturday: we went to our Stake Women s Conference workshop. We got to attend 2 classes, the first class was on Failures. I learned without failure we cannot succeed. We need to keep going and move on. Failure brings us happiness. the second class was on the Temple. Which was so good. we get to attend the temple this week on Thursday, Im so excited. That night we watched the General woman's Broadcast with a member sister Wells. It was so good. I love how it focused on the family. 

Sunday: I got to speak in Sacrament on the Holy Ghost. I was nervous, but I just let the Holy Ghost guide me. We then went finding and found more investigators that seem interested to learn more. It was a miracle to see. 

Well the new Easter initiative is out/ its called Because He lives. It is a great 2 min video on Jesus Christ. I want to challenge everyone to go watch it. you can view it on LDS.org page or on Mormon Channel. 

Well I love you all. 

Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Hey Everyone,

its been almost 2 weeks out here in Michigan. Can you believe it. I cant. I love it out here and have learned so much. 

Monday was P-day, we wrote letters, went to the store, took a nap, and then went to the park and Spotted Cow ice cream place. It was a lot of fun. We then went and met with a less active member and showered her the "because of him" video it was amazing. 

Tuesday: we met with our investigator Dan, we taught him about praying and understanding his prayers. The lesson was so good and you could feel the spirit. Then one of our members took us to lunch at Hogie Man, it was really good. Then we went tracting and talked to a lot of great people about faith in Jesus Christ. 

Wednesday: We met with our investigator Samuel and his mother Paula. We taught him the Book Of Mormon and about the Judgment. He had several questions on the Judgement and we helped to find his answers. After that we met with Nancy she is a less active that we are helping understand the importance of coming to church and taking the sacrament. The lesson went really well and I was able to follow the promptings of the Holy ghost. It was amazing. 

Thursday: Was Zone Conference. It was amazing. I learned so much on listening to the spirit and letting him guide us through our lessons. we also talked a lot about afflictions and tribulations help us to become the best missionaries and to learn and grow form them and find happiness and joy in our tribulations and afflictions. The conference really helped me to focus on specific prayers and to ask God these questions and how or what he would like us to learn and teach. 

Friday: We had our weekly planning. Its where we plan for the whole week. We also met with a older lady about the restoration. she is 97 and pretty funny. we taught her and then she talked to us about her life and her family it was really fun and interesting. 

Saturday: Was a busy day, we had lots of appointments with our investigators and service. We had our lesson with Dan and read and talked about the Lords Prayer. it was amazing that he searched the scriptures and came up with his own answers. Next we meet with Dillon, he is in High School, but wants to learn more about God and what his plan for him is. we taught him the restoration and it was so spiritual. We then went to visit Richard, Im not sure if I told you about him last week but he called us looking for a different number the YMCA, we then talked to him about who we where and if he wanted us to come by. He agreed. So Saturday, we went to meet with him. He was amazing, he has been through a lot but wants to become free. We talked to him about God and his love for him. He loved talking about God and his plan for Richard. We then invited Richard to come to Church with us the next day. He agreed. We were so excited. 

Sunday: We had meetings and then went to Sacrament. Richard showed up to church and loved learning about the gospel. he says he is excited to come back. In Sunday School they asked us to teach on the spot. We all took a portion of the lesson on Prophets. It was amazing to teach and just follow the spirit. After church we decided to go tracting in a town called Figy RD. we got there and there were only 2 houses. well we knocked on the first house and the lord does provide, his name is Casey and he was very interested in learning more. We left him with a pamphlet and he was excited to read it. 

Well I love you all and Hope all is well

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Monday, March 16, 2015

Hey everyone, well I got here in Michigan last Monday. 

Monday March 9
We left the MTC at 330am, and then got to the airport at 530am. We got our tickets and baggage checked in and then waited for the flight. The flight was pretty fun, not too bad. I slept most the time. When we arrived in Michigan, when you look out the window, all you see is flat, no mountains. It was a little cold here but it was just fine. We began our journey to find our luggage and meet our Mission President. we met President and Sister Gerber buy the luggage. They are so great, Sister Gerber gave us each a hug and President gave us a handshake. We then headed for the car.We had Subway and headed to the Mission Home. When we got back to the Mission Home, we took pictures and started our orientation. It was so much fun. 

Tuesday March 10
Today we got up and went to the church for our Transfer meeting, where we got to know where we were going and who our companion was. I was so excited. I am in a trio with Sister Woodruff ( Heber Ut) and Sister Cheerington (Idaho). It has been so much fun. we are in Adrian, Michigan. Our area is really big. It is a lot of country. After settling in we went tracting. I was so nervous but I knocked on doors and the spirit took helped me out. For dinner we had a Relief society birthday dinner. It was a lot of fun. 

Wednesday March 11

First day as a companionship. Our trio is so great and I have learned a lot from them. We got up and did our exercise. we do Jillian Micheal's videos. They are a lot of fun. We then had a District meeting. Elder Leonard and Elder Colson are the other 2 in our district. we talked about using the Book of Mormon in teaching. It was a very good meeting. we then went tracting/finding where we knocked on a door and met Phillip. He was very interested and we set up an appointment to go see him later this week. He was so funny and happy. We continued tracting until we had our dinner apt with Judy and Dotty. They are so great and amazing. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Thursday March 12
We got up and studied and then headed to our investigator Dans House. Here is what happened we arrived at his apartment and introduced ourselves. I introduced my self and he kinda just looked at me. We sat down and began with a Prayer, I said the prayer. As soon as we were finished Dan said," I know where I have seen you before." and I was like where. He said," you were in my dream. I dreamed that you were here teaching me about the gospel in one of the lessons with the missionaries. He also said that if he didn't believe this was the right path for him, he does know because of the dream and then seeing Sister Betts". 
Well that gave me the chills. It was such a testimony of what God has in store for us. I know that Michigan was where I was called to serve and that miracles are in store for all of us. I also know God puts people in our lives so that we can bring others to Christ. 
It was an amazing Miracle and they just keep coming

Friday March 13
We had our weekly planning for the next week to see what appointments we have coming up. It was so exciting to see all the potential investigators. We met with our investigator Samuel and he also had a friend over so we were able to teach both of them. Dawne wants us to keep coming back she loved learning about the Book of Mormon. After we went to the Church for a Empty Nestor party. It was where all the elderly church members have a party. They had a St. Patrick's day party. after they shared all their talents. Like poems, crafts, music. It was a lot of fun. 

Saturday March 14

Today was a busy day with lots of appointments. We met with Samuel and Dawne and went over the first book of Nephi, she had lots of questions and loved to read and learn more. A miracle that happened today was we were home eating lunch when the phone rang. it was a man named Richard and he was looking for a YMCA. Well we told him we could look up the number for him in the phone book, as we were looking up the number Sister Woodruff started talking to him about his life and the church. He was very sad and had lost his parents and was trying to find hope. we scheduled an appointment with him. It is very amazing how God works through miracles. 

Sunday March 15

Today was the first Sunday in Adrian. Sister Woodruff and Sister Cheerington got asked to speak in sacrament. They did amazing. We were then all asked to talk about Prophets in Primary. It was amazing to see all the children and how the lord works through them. Church was great. the ward is amazing and I just love them. Afterwards we went to a couple appointments and then to our dinner appointment. We went to the Hoods. They are a cute couple. they are converts to the church and have been for 20 years. 

Well that was my amazing first week. I would encourage everyone to go to youtube type in
 " Because of Him" and watch the short clip it is an amazing clip on Jesus Christ. 

Well I Love you all and thanks for the support.
My P-day is on Mondays 

My address in Adrian to send letters:  
Sister Alisha Carol Betts
433 North McKenzie Street Adrian MI 49221

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hey Everyone,

Well I am doing great. 

On Wednesday when I got dropped off, it was a pretty emotional day, but a very happy day to a start of my new adventure in life. I can honesty say I love it so much already. Wednesday after getting my name tag and books, I went and met some of the Teachers. The teachers are amazing, they help me to understand the different lessons and how to teach others. I was then able to meet my Companion Sister Edmonds, she is from Orem, and she is amazing we get along great. Later that night we met our district and our Branch Presidency. They are wonderful. 

Thursday, well we woke up and started the Missionary Life. we went to class and learned alot about using the spirit to help guide us in our life's. We also started our progressive investigators. We got to start teaching. It was fun to see how to go about asking questions and lessons. I leaned to listen to the Holy Ghost and he will guide you. 

Friday, we went to class and learned about a second investigator that just our companionship are teaching. The first lesson is on Saturday. Today was our first Gym day. We played basketball as a district and then we went jogging. It was alot of fun. 

Saturday, today was our big lesson to our Progressive Investigator. I was so nervous, put we prepared and then we went in and taught. Through the Holy Ghost I was able to remain calm and be able to answer some of his questions. It was a good thing that we have companions. We both taught and were able to ask the investigator to consider being baptized. It was a very spiritual and wonderful experience. Even though our investigator was just our teaching acting as a true investigator. 

Sunday, It was our first Sunday here, It was also Fast Sunday, at the MTC for fast Sunday they hold a Mission Conference. I was so great to see all the missionaries and to be able to hear our MTC presidency speak. The spirit was so strong. One of my favorite talks was from Sister Burgess, shes the MTC relief Society President. She spoke on not being hearers and to become doers of the lords work. Put our thoughts and actions into doing them not just listening about things. It was so spiritual, and the Holy Ghost was so powerful. Afterwards we had sacrament and bore our testimonies. Then we went on a Sunday walk around the Temple, It was so much fun to be able to go walk around the temple and feel the spirit. We also took pictures of the temple. I will send them next week. After the walk we had a Devotional, Mark Jarom and his wife talked on the importance of our missions and how they affect generation to generations down the rode. They did an amazing job. After the Devotional we had a Film, it was called, Character of Christ, Elder Bednar spoke about putting yourself on the outside and teaching people on the inside. He also told us about truly converting yourself unto the lord. It was a very spiritual film and amazing. 

Monday, we had our normal classes and learned about the plan of salvation. We were also able to teach our two investigators(fake) different lessons. I know that by praying and asking for the Holy Ghosts help in teaching really does help and then allows God to teach and help you out. after classes we had GYM. We played Volleyball, it was awesome, my arms and legs hurt a little but it was alot of fun.

Well I cant believe that I leave the MTC on Monday early morning to head to Michigan, I cant wait, so this is my only P-day. Today we got up and went to the Temple, it was so much fun. I was filled with the spirit and the Holy Ghost. 

 I love you all and I am so thankful for the wonderful support in my life and decision to serve a mission, I wouldn't ever change that decision, I love it so much already. 

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts