Monday, June 29, 2015

4 month mark!!!
June 29th, 2015

Hey everyone, i hope you are all having a great summer, this week has been great!!

Monday: We had our district activity. We went to the rec center and played Volley ball and soccer. It was a lot of fun. We also did our normal p-day things. It was great. We then went tracting. We found 4 potentials and 2 new investigator. We were able to teach the new investigator about families. It was a great lesson.

Tuesday: We had a lot of appointments, but most of them fell through. So we went to see Valentine. We met him last week. We were able to teach him about the Plan of Salvation. The lesson went great. He told us that he would try and come to church sometime and check it out. After that we went finding/tracting where we met Betty. She is a amazing women and has been through a lot. It was great to hear all her miracles that she has seen in her life and how God is there to help us. Later that day we decided to go contacting on Main Street, we started down the street and we met Brenda. She at first didn't want to talk with us about religion so we started off by asking about her. We then started to sneak in religious material. It was great.

Wednesday: We had a appointment with our less active family the McAllsiters. We taught them about the prophet and why it is important to have a living prophet. The children were very involved in learning and even knew who the prophet was. It was a great lesson. We then went to BOM class with our investigator Steve. He really likes meeting together and reading the BOM. He is learning so much.

Thursday: We went and saw a potential named Nick, He was interested in learning about the BOM. We told him about the BOM and gave him a free copy. He said he would read it. After him we went and saw Bro Jeffery and Faith. We talked to them about how to endure to the end and to stay strong in the gospel even through this crazy world. They really liked the talk we shared with them. Stay by the Tree by Elder Bednar. It is a great talk. Later that night we went to see Daniel, Alicia. They are investigators that we haven't seen in a while. We started to talk with them about the BOM. They had a friend over Darren who wanted to join us as well. We then talked with them about the BOM and the importance of it. The spirit was so strong.

Friday: Was interviews with President Gerber. That went great. I love both President and Sister Gerber. We talked about the Sabbath Day and the talk by Russell M Nelson the Sabbath is a delight. It was a great meeting. President Gerber talked with us about personal Confidence and the talk Approaching the Throne with Confidence. This talk is great. It talks about change is all up to us and to start today. After our interviews we helped a new investigator Brian move. He was involved in a hit and run several years ago and cant lift much. It was great to help and serve him. I love doing service for other.

Saturday: We did our Weekly Planning. We cant believe that transfers are in 2 and 1/2 weeks. It is crazy how time flies. Saturday was really rainy and windy. We went finding in the rain and storm. It was interesting. No one really wanted to talk with us but we were still able to find a new investigator that was interested. We then went contacting and handed a lot of cards out to people that seemed interested.

Sunday: Was a great Sabbath. I gave the Sunday school lesson. I wasn't really nervous anymore because I have learned to listen to the spirit and he will guide us. after that we went finding we were able to teach some lessons it was a much better day. No rain or wind.

Well I hope you all are having a great week. I love you all!!!

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Me in front of this cool painting on this building!!!

Me and Sister Fe'ao in front of this building!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Miracles Happen!!!!
 Jun 22, 2015
Hey everyone, This week was great!!!

Monday: We did our normal things, laundry, shopping, and cleaning the house. We then went shopping for Fathers Day, it was great. We then got a call and the Sister Training Leaders had decided on short notice to do exchanges, so we did some finding and then met them. It was great. I stayed in Adrian and Sister Cherrington came down here.

Tuesday: Was exchange day. it was great. I missed Sister Cherrington, We got up did our studies and then we went finding. We found 3 potential investigators. It was great learning from her and her learning from me. We then went and saw Meghan. She is doing great. She is on date to be baptized on August 15. We are excited for her. We taught her about Prophets and General Conference. She was very excited to read the talks. We then went and saw a less active Bro Jeffery. We were planning on talking to him about service but then we talked to him about the BOM. It was a great lesson.

Wednesday: We had our District meeting. it was a great meeting. We talked about church and how to teach it to our investigators, I learned so much. I love meetings where we can learn to improve and how to better help our investigators. After that we went finding. we did a lot of finding this week but it was so great. We then went and saw the Macallisters. they are a cute family. We showed them a object lesson on repentance and church, they loved learning and they love when we come teach them, the little boys are so smart. We then went to BOM class where Steve one of our investigators came with us. He loves learning and follows along just great. He loved learning about the BOM. After that we decided to go finding, We prayed and asked God where we should go. well me and sister fe'ao started walking and went to a trailer looking house and knocked. Nick answered and was interested in listening to a lesson. we taught him the restoration and he was so interested in learning more.

Thursday: We did a lot of finding. We didn't have any appointments so we did finding. We met 3 new investigators. Gavin he is from Kentucky here for baseball. We taught him how to pray. It was a very spiritual lesson. Then we met Don. He is 88 years old and we talked with him about the restoration. It was a great lesson.

Friday: was our weekly planning. We planned for our next week. we then went to Tecumseh to see Cody. He is doing great. He is getting baptized on July 3. So next week. He is so ready and loves reading the BOM he is almost done with the BOM. We then went finding. We met 2 new potentials/ investigators. We talked with Maria and gave her a BOM she was so interested. The spirit was so strong and the lesson went so well.

Saturday:We did some finding in the morning. We found 4 new investigators. We were so amazed by God. He is so great. We are super excited to teach them all this next week. After that we went to see Steve. We taught Steve about Faith. He is doing great. He likes learning and he is understanding what we are teaching him. After Steve, a couple members in our ward too us to dinner at Red Lobster, so that was fun!!!

Sunday: We went to church. They had a Fathers Day program. It was very good. The primary kids sang songs and it was very spiritual. After church we went finding. We prayed and went to different roads but there wasn't any houses. We decided to pray again. We were trying not to get discouraged. I decided to go to a street we had been too already. I didn't know why. We started walking down the road and then turned to a different road. We both decided on a house. There was a very scary dog and Sister Fe'ao is afraid of dogs but we decided to knock on it anyways. We met Jenna who had just lost her dad and her mom that were going through a hard time. We taught them about how God is our loving Heavenly Father and then showed them the message the Refiners Fire. They both loved that video. We are coming back this week.

Well God is great!!! We just have to follow him and the spirit!!!

Well have a great week. Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts
Me and Sister Fe'ao!!! 

In front of the Adrian Sign

Friday, June 19, 2015

Rough Week!!!
 Jun 15, 2015
Hey Everyone,

This week has been a little rough. We weren't able to talk to very many people. We started to talk with them but they were not interested in learning more. We has appointments planned and then when we arrived they either forgot or they were not home. It was a bit discouraging but we just moved on and kept going. We did a lot more contacting and I was able to do it. I have struggled with contacting because it is awkward and people seem like they are busy. This week we met with Cody, he is on date to be baptized on July 3. We are super excited and he is doing great. We have been very excited for him and it is great to see how he has progressed and wants to be baptized. We also have Meghan on date for baptism on Aug 15, we are super excited for her to make those covenants with God. on Thursday this week we had Zone conference, at zone conference we were able to learn how we can improve our teaching and investigators. It was a great conference. We also had a brother from Salt lake here to install a black box in our cars. This box is called a TIWI. It helps us to remain within the speed limit, not going over bumps too fast or turning too fast. It has been an adjustment. On Sunday, Sister Fe'ao was asked to speak, she did such a great job she spoke on the priesthood, service and missionary work. She was super nervous but she did great. Well I hope you all have a great week!! I love you all!!!

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Sister Fe'ao taking pictures as I am driving!!!

Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015

My New Companion
Hey everyone I didn't get transferred but I did get a new companion. Her name is Sister Fe'ao. She is from Tonga and Salt Lake.

Monday: Was crazy we had to clean our car really good because we were getting a new car. We also went to Red Lobster to celebrate my and sis woodrufs last day. It was fun. We then went and had dinner/dessert with a member. It was a lot of fun. We then went tracking. It was sad to think of our last tracking day together but it was great.

Tuesday: Was transfers. We had to be there super early so we got up at 5 and left at 630. It was only suppose to take 1 hr and 20 min but traffic and with some roads closed it took us 3 hrs and 30 mins it was a long drive. We got to transfers and I got our new car and met my new companion and headed back to Adrian. It was a day of driving. We get along great. It has been an adjustment to driving and different ways to do things, but we have seen lots of miracles. After that we met with a couple of our less actives and taught them about prayers and why it is important to pray. We then went finding and contacting we were able to meet several potentials that we are seeing this week.

Wednesday: We had district meeting. I got asked to give an instruction on Prayer. I wasn't really nervous any more I have learned to rely on the lord and he will help us. The instruction went great. It is amazing to see the change I have made because before I would just read of the the paper, but know i just look at the paper and say what comes. We then went and met with our investigator Gary, we taught him the BOM and he was super excited to start reading it.

Thursday: We went finding most of the day. It was a lot of fun seeing how different companions are and how they approach people. It was great to see and learn from Sister Fe'ao. She is great. After that we went and saw Dalia. She is a new investigator. She was very interested in learning about the Restoration and finding a new church. She understood the lesson. It was a great lesson.

Friday: We did our weekly planning and called and set up appointments. We then went and met with Cody. We taught him about the Sabbath day and then we moved his baptism date from July 18 to July 3. We are super excited because we will be here at that time. He is so ready to make that covenant. He is progressing so much each week. We then went and saw Meghan. She is doing alright, she is struggling with working on Sundays and wants to come to church so bad. We read and taught her about enduring to the end and to always try and keep to the commitments and reading and praying. God will help us through our trials.

Saturday: We went and met with our investigator Steve. We decided to teach him the restoration with an object lesson. We did and he understood it more and more. He is also going to come to church with us. We then went contacting and saw an man and decided not to talk with him but as we were walking around we saw him again, so we decided we better talk with him. We did and he told us that something told him to come talk with us. His name is Kelly. He has had a rough past but we were able to talk with him about the restoration and he loved learning about. He was very interested in why there is so many different churches. Miracles do happen and God knows who we should talk to and he provides a way.

Sunday: Was church we had 3 of our investigators at church. It was amazing to see what they thought and if they liked it. most of them thought it was different but they liked it. We then went to see Kari. She is a new investigator. We taught her the restoration and the BOM. She loved learning and is going to read the BOM. She was very interested in finding a church and learning about God.

Well That was my week. It was crazy but it was a lot of fun!!! I hope you all have a great week. I love you all!!!
Sister Alisha Carol Betts

Sis. Woodruff and I at Redlobster

My new companion!

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015

Hey everyone, I am not being transferred. Sister Woodruff is so I will be getting a new companion tomorrow. We will also be getting a new Car!!!

Monday: It was memorial day. we did our normal stuff and then we went to a Members house for dinner. We were able to visit with a less active member as well while we were having dinner so that was great. After that we went finding we met and talked with Max. He is one of our new investigators and he is interested in learning more.

Tuesday: We went finding or tracting most of the day. We then went and taught Cody our investigator and we taught him about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We talked about baptism and how he is preparing for his date. We then went and met with Daniel and Alicia. We met them the other day and gave them each a Book of Mormon. We taught them the restoration, We also were able to meet 3 of their friends. They were very interested and wanted to learn more about our church we cant wait to go back. We then went and met Michelle. She is a potential investigator who wanted to learn more about how to strengthen their family.

Wednesday: We had our District Meeting. I was asked to give an instruction on the white hand book. That was fun. So I decided to give it on Missionary Conduct. I talked about always being a missionary in our dress and our language and how people look at us as an example as representatives of Christ. After that we went and taught the Mccallisters. They are the less active family we have been teaching. We taught them the Restoration using a object lesson. It was a great lesson. we also taught Scott about the book of Mormon. He has a lot of questions but we helped him and teach him about the Spirit.

Thursday: We taught Melanie. We met her and her daughter while tracting. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and they were very interested. After that we went and had a FHE lesson with the Trevinos. We taught them about Loving one Another. We sang a song and had a great lesson. After that we went and met with Bro Jeffery and Faith his daughter. We talked with them about their different challenges and how God is there to help us through them.

Friday: We did our weekly planning for the new transfer. It was hard to plan not knowing where you will be or if you are staying. After that we went and met with Angela. She is a Less active. We got to meet one of her friends and teach them bout the Plan of Salvation. We used a object lesson and they seemed to understand it better. We then went finding.  We were able to talk with a lot of potential investigators and make return appointments.

Saturday: We had our inspections for the transfer. That was fun. We cleaned our house and our car. Then we went and saw John and Viola. We were able to teach them about the restoration. They were very involved in the lesson. They enjoyed learning and asked questions. after that we met with Steve. He is one of our investigators. We talked to him about the restoration and the importance of prayer. you can defiantly feel the spirit during each lesson. I have learned to listen to the spirit more and more as I have been on my mission.

Sunday: We went to church. It was a great meeting. I just love our ward. We talked about faith and trusting in God. It was Sister Woodruffs last Sunday here so it was hard but she is a great missionary.

Well I hope you all have a great week. I love you all!!!!

Me and Sis. Woodruff

We got these Chocolate kisses from the Cameron's for Sis. Woodruff's Birthday

Sis. Woodruff and her Ramen Noodles

Last Day of Training!

Me, Meghan our investigator, and Sis. Woodruff