Monday, July 25, 2016

Extreme Heat Alert!!! July 25, 2016

Hey everyone! I hope you had a great 24th of July! Here in Michigan they don't really celebrate it so that is alright! 
      This last week has been good.  We have been doing a lot of finding and talking to everyone. We were able to meet a couple potential investigators this last week. We first met with Janice. She had missionaries come by sometime last year. She is interested in meeting with us and learning what we belief. We also met Amy. We talked to her about how to find faith in Christ.  She invited us back to teach her. 
       We also met with our Less Active Sister Delossantos. We taught her the Restoration and we focused on how the Gospel has blessed her family. She has seen many blessings of the Gospel in her family. We are planning on helping her to go to the temple in a couple months. 
       We also met with our investigator Ronney. He is doing good. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon.  He is interested in reading it and we invited him to read and pray about it. 
       Then we also met with a Less Active, Megan. She is having a hard time right now with her divorce and her testimony. We talked to her about how God has a plan for each of us and we need to trust in him. 
       This week we also had our first Interviews with President Cleveland. He is such a inspired man. It was great. We talked about how to work with members of the ward and then how to work with and bring those sheep back to Christ. 
       Other than that we did a lot of tracting and contacting. It has been a great week, except for the 3 days that we had a extreme Heat Alert. the weather and Temperature got over 100 with humidity. We were only allowed to be out for a little while then we had to take a break. It was so hot. 
        In studies I have been reading the Finding Chapter. I really love reading this. I learn new things each time. My ponderizing scripture this week has been my mission scripture! It is D&C 18: 15-16. 

Well I hope you all have a great week!

Love you all! Sister Alisha Carol Betts

At the Ice cream Place in Linden. They hand make these benches with bears on them.

At the Ice cream Place in Linden. They hand make these benches with bears on them.

In front of the ice cream place with a Bear holding a ice cream cone. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tracting and Finding Week- July 18, 2016

Hey Everyone! This last week has been great! 
We met with our new investigator Ronney. We talked to him about the Restoration. He was really interested in learning and reading The Book of Mormon. We are going to teach him about it today. He is wanting to find God and to become closer to him. 

Then we met with Sister Delossantos, she is a Less Active we are working with. We talked to her about Church and how she can gain more out of sacrament with her children, We are helping her with some quiet books and activities for them. 

We then met with Jesson our other investigator. We talked to him about the Book of Mormon and read with him the introduction. He is doing good. We are finding ways to get him to progress and come to church. 

We also have been applying Zone meeting and trying to talk to everyone. We went to the park last weekend and did some contacting. We talked to a lady named Wonetia. She is very involved with her church but loved to talk with us about Trusting in God. She isn't interested in learning more but she was so nice and kind. 

Other than that we have been tracting and trying to contact people. It has been a great week just busy trying to find new people to teach. 

Well I hope you all have a great week! Love you all!

Sister Alisha Carol Betts

At the Lake!

​Trying on some crazy hats!

​By the Linden Sign! 

​Dessert Pizza! For the Dessert Night, nobody showed up so the elders and us just ate our desserts and went home. It was sad but fun! 

​Cute Smily face!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Miracle Week- July 11, 2016

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great 4th of July! We went to a ward breakfast and then we had a BBQ at a members house. It was alot of fun. Then we got to listen to the fireworks from our window. Fenton has one of the largest firework shows in this area. They were amazing. 
        This last week has been we have been able to find a new investigator named Lindsay. We met her while tracting. She is a single mother that was not raised with a religious background but is looking to find it in her life now. She attends the Freedom Center and is really interested in reading the Book of Mormon. We are also helping her with some service. She is great. 
         We also met with  a Less Active family named the Coy Family. We talked to them about how to receive revelation and how to gain a stronger testimony. They even came to church on Sunday, we were excited. 
        We also had Zone Meeting and I learned so much to apply into our area. We have been working on Talking to everyone and to find different finding opportunities. It has been great, we have seen so many miracles. 
        We also went on exchanges, I went to flint with Sister Jensen, it was great. She is a great Sister and I learned so much from her. 
       Yesterday we were able to talk with one of our potential investigators and teach him the restoration over the phone, it was a great lesson, it was different but good. He is interested in coming to church and seeing how we worship, we are excited to have him come. We also had our Dessert Night! It turned out great! Here are some pictures!

Well I hope you all have a great week! Remember the Lord is Always there to help us through things. 

Love Sister Alisha Carol Betts

​Our Dessert! Chocolate Brownies with marshmallow in the middle and a peanut butter and chocolate frosting. It was good. 

​Our Dessert! Chocolate Brownies with marshmallow in the middle and a peanut butter and chocolate frosting. It was good. 

4th of July outfits!

Me and Sister Jensen on exchanges!

​Thanks Mom for the $5, we went and got some Ice cream from a place in Holly called Cupcakes and Kisses. 

Feeding the Ducks!

Monday, July 4, 2016

The Best Day Ever- July 4, 2016

HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!!

Hey Everyone, I hope you are all having a great 4th of July!
      This last week has been great. We have been doing a lot of finding. On Tuesday last week, we met our new Mission President. President and Sister Cleveland. They are great! They are truly sent and called by God. We also were able to meet with a couple of our potentials, we met with Kimberlee. we talked about how God has a plan for us and how we all need Christ in our lives. We will be meeting with her this next week. We also met Rodney, we talked to him about how God has blessed his life. It was a great lesson. We are seeing him today. Yesterday we met with a potential investigator named Amy. We talked with her about how we have living day prophets. She was very interested in learning and wanting to find out if President Manson is a true prophet.
       We have been also able to meet with our investigator Jesson. We have been teaching him slowly and he is really interested in learning more. We talked to him about how God is our loving Heavenly Father and how he loves us and cares about us. Jesson never really understood that God was like his father. It was great to help him understand it and then at the end of the lesson, we each took a turn to show him how to pray. As he was praying the spirit was so strong. When he was done, he had such a glow to him, he felt the spirit.  
      We also met with one of our Less Actives, Sister Delossantos. We have been helping her with some quiet books for her children. He also talked with her about reteaching her the lessons, she is excited. She also wants us to start teaching her sister Susan, so that will be great. Other then that we have been doing a lot of finding to find new people to teach. 
     Now for those that are wondering about the title of this email, Best Day Ever, here is the Story. So on Friday we were doing our weekly planning and using our GPS to find new roads and places to go, well when we went to leave we tried to turn our GPS on and it was dead. We decided to take it to Mike Hayden a member in the ward who works on Computers to see if he could fix it. We we went there and there was nothing that he could do. It was dead. So we called the Mission Home and they have to order us one. So we will be waiting for a week and a half to get a new one. we will be going Old School with using a map. It is going to be a long week!!! On top of that we got lost in Linden. It was the BEST DAY EVER! Not. 

Well I hope you all have a great day and week!

Love you! Sister Alisha Carol Betts